You Have 3 Chances To Get It Right Before You’re ‘Too Old’

A few pivotal times in life I assess to determine how the second act of my life will look

Rocco Pendola
8 min readJust now
Source: Author / I’m definitely getting old, but I (hope) I’ll never be “too old”

As I see it, we have a few pivotal points in life where we make it or break it with respect to how things will turn out in the second act of our lives.

You can miss on the first one and be fine.

You can miss on the second one and be fine.

Missing on the third one might present challenges that are too difficult to overcome.

Chances are that most of us reading this right now are grappling with — (or, at least, in the thick of) — pivotal point number two. This puts us in the perfect position to learn from point one and ensure we don’t fall victim to the perils of point three.

Your mindset has a lot to do with whether or not you’ll have to deal with point number three. Because — particularly if you want to do big things later in life — mindset is at least half the battle.

Call me optimistic, but I define the second act as the 50 years between age 50 and 100.

For the record, two of the biggest events of my life will occur in 2025. I will turn 50, roughly 7.5 months after moving to Spain on January 2nd.

