Bartenders Who Think They’re Actors or Musicians Can Be Annoying

Without knowing it, they shit on the skilled working class

Rocco Pendola
3 min readMar 10, 2021
Source: Author / Frolic Room, Hollywood’s Oldest Bar

I love bars, particularly the social settings they contribute to.

It’s part of what drew me to what ended up a career sidetrack. I left the financial media world for a while to work in bars. I started at a dive bar and ended up working with some of Los Angeles’s top craft cocktail bartenders. I lucked out.

This varied experience made something clear — dive bar bartenders and craft cocktail bartenders have the ability to make nice livings, especially if they work in busy bars in decent size cities. If they’re good at what they do, all the better times two.

With this in mind, there’s something annoying about working in the bar and restaurant industry, specifically in Los Angeles.

You know the old cliche about LA. That everyone who works in the service industry wants to be doing something else. Actors, artists, musicians — all working in hospitality to make ends meet as they navigate the challenging creative scenes they long to make their livelihood.

To a significant extent, this cliche is true.

To some extent, it’s super annoying.

