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A Surprising Example Of Why Home Ownership Is A Bad Idea In 2023 America
More terrible news on the American dream

Surprising might have been the wrong adjective. Because the data we’ll discuss in today’s article didn’t surprise me. It shocked me. I just didn’t want to be too sensational. But, really, you can’t overstate the gravity of a situation spinning out of control.
Granted, I had to step out of my own shoes for a second and take on the mindset I assume a majority of renters have. That if they’re going to buy a house, they want and expect more space. More square feet than they have in the apartments they’re dying to escape. And I’m sure a ton of renters still want to become homeowners in America.
Because, generally speaking, people in the United States dislike — maybe even hate — apartment living as a lifestyle and personal financial choice. They want more space and to stop throwing money away on rent.
Here again, I have to bite my tongue and set aside my own decidedly urban living tastes and preferences. Because to really appreciate this data — which helps illustrate our nation’s housing crisis — you probably have to value square feet. Or maybe not. Even as a city dweller more than fine with renting smallish spaces, I was shocked and even a little bit saddened.